Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Life Happens

Oh my Gosh!!! I've been so neglectful of my blog.

Life has been busy........sick kids........sick husband.........15 year anniversary spent with hubby on the couch coughing up green stuff. Four family birthdays three days in a row. Couldn't have planed that one if we tried! A weekend trip to Whistler Mountain.

But I'm healthy! Somehow, I missed the sick boat. I think it's cause I wash my hands all the time and never take a sip of anyone else's drink.

Recently I spent an insane amount of money to join a new weight loss clinic that opened up near my house. I'm usually not one to go for something like that and it took a bit a convincing husband to agree but I knew I needed the support they could give me.

My motivations being:
  1. 15 year anniversary this year
  2. 25 high school reunion in August
  3. Bridesmaid in June - do not want to be a 42 year old fat bridesmaid! Have you seen the dresses these day??? They are not the puffy taffeta numbers of my day. They are all strapless and slinky. I've never worn something like that in my life!

It's not rocket science. Eat less. Exercise.

Seems easy but it's not. I've tried to lose the 25lbs. that have crept up on me in my early 40's and it's just not budging.

This is week 3 and I've lost 8 pounds and 12 inches. I'm so happy and inspired. I am also, enjoying the support with meal making, exercise and one on coaching sessions. I guess I'm a go for the gold star kind of girl so if no one is checking up on me I cop ou. I've realize how disappointed in myself I was getting. It's very detoxifying to talk about it and to be doing something productive about it.

And I'm not caring about anyone but me right now. My family's getting crappy meals but I'm loving mine. It's sort of like the Zone diet where each meal is balanced so you don't have swings in blood sugar and cravings. I'm taking off to the gym regularly. I have so much more energy and NO MORE HEADACHES.

Husband is supportive which is great.

I am guaranteed to lose my 25lbs by MAY 15. When that day comes, I will post before and after pictures. I can hardly wait!


Valorosa said...

You go girl :-)


Erin said...

Awesome! I'm actually a bit jealous, because I'm working hard and not going anywhere. But I'm so glad that you recognized that you needed to do something and then did it!

Ruth said...

Thanks guys for the support. It feels good to talk about it and makes it real.

Erin, I get that stuck feeling like nothing's working. I think that's why I had to do something drastic and just think about me.

But the real clincher was the staunch German dress sales lady telling me to order a dress size up. Which I didn't and hopefully she will have to take in the one I got.

Mike said...

Hey Ruth ~ Good to see you at it again.

If I might make a comment about the eating/exercise thing. Exercise is good and its right for weight loss. However, don't eat less, eat more!! What I mean is that you should be eating right and scale your portions back to 3 to 4. You'll eat about every three to four you'll actually be eating more but your body will be using it more efficiently. Also, try cutting out carbs during the last five hours that you're awake.

Good luck and I have confidence in you!!

Mike said...

Now let me expand on what I just wrote since it's incomplete.

Three to four ounce portions was what I was trying to say.

Ruth said...

HI Mike - thanks for the vote of confidence and the advice. It sounds like a good rule of thumb for a lifestyle change which I plan when I get to my goal.

My diet is similar to what you described. Eating protein rich meals 3 times a day with a snack mid day. I have never felt so comfortable on a diet before. And I've lost 10 lbs so far!